The game can be played both at school and at home with friends.
Shuffle the cards and deal them equally amongst the players.
Each player removes all the paired cards (word and picture) in their hand. The other cards are held so as not to show other players. The Joker is removed immediately. The youngest player starts by taking one card from the player to his/her right. That player then takes a card from the player to his/her right, and so on. At any time, if a player makes a pair with the card taken then the pair is placed on the table. The winner is the first to have no more cards in hand and the loser is the one with the surprise card in hand. The teacher’s booklet contains the instructions of the game.
• 120 cards divided into two packs of 60 cards, one of pictures and one of words
• A teacher’s booklet
• To learn basic vocabulary
Bis English
A card game to learn the basic English vocabulary and to practice memorization skills
(Elementary level, A1)
RULES OF THE GAME: The game can be played both at school and at home with friends. Shuffle the cards and deal them equally amongst the players. Each player removes …
€24.50inkl. MwSt. (zzgl. Versandkosten)
Elementary level, A1
Elementary level, A1
Verlag: ELI Publishing | Niveau: A1 | Sprache: English | Altersstufe: Volksschule, Unterstufe, Oberstufe, Lehrer, Erwachsene | Kategorie: Sprachspiel | Format: Spiel
Let's play in English
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