Time Dominoes presents learning to tell the time in a fun and engaging way.
The game allows students to learn and memorise the time and practise the English structures for asking and telling the time.
The game includes 48 domino cards: each card has a picture of a clock showing the time on one half and a time in the written form on the other. By correctly matching the cards, the players complete the domino pathway.
The domino cards with picture of clocks showing different times make it possible to use this game in an alternative way, for example by showing the picture and asking students to tell the time and then asking them to include this information in a mini-dialogue. In this way, Time Dominoes becomes an excellent tool to use during online classes and courses.

Time Dominoes
A domino game to learn and remember how to tell the time
(Elementary to pre-intermediate level, A1-A2)
WHAT IS IT? Time Dominoes presents learning to tell the time in a fun and engaging way. LANGUAGE AIMS: The game allows students to learn and memorise the time and …
€24.50inkl. MwSt. (zzgl. Versandkosten)
Elementary to pre-intermediate level, A1-A2
Elementary to pre-intermediate level, A1-A2
Verlag: ELI Publishing | Niveau: A1, A2 | Sprache: English | Altersstufe: Volksschule, Unterstufe, Oberstufe, Lehrer, Erwachsene | Kategorie: Sprachspiel | Format: Spiel
Let's play in English
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- (No title) (978-88-536-2801-5)
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Größe | 216 mm |