The game consists of 132 cards divided into two decks of different colours: 60 blue cards for verb forms and 60 red cards for other grammar points.
The cards can be used either by selecting specific grammar points or by putting both decks together and playing with all the cards. Each card contains a numbered multiple-choice question with three options: A, B and C. Only one answer is correct. There are also 12 green ‘Lifeline’ (help) cards, 6 for each team. These cards are distributed at the start of the game and can be used whenever necessary.
The Grammar Tree
A board game to learn and revise grammar and verbs forms
(Elementary to pre-intermediate level, A1-A2)
The game consists of 132 cards divided into two decks of different colours: 60 blue cards for verb forms and 60 red cards for other grammar points.
The cards can be used either by selecting specific grammar points or by putting both decks together and playing with all the cards. Each card contains a numbered multiple-choice question with three options: A, B and C. Only one answer is correct. There are also 12 green ‘Lifeline’ (help) cards, 6 for each team. These cards are distributed at the start of the game and can be used whenever necessary.
€24.50inkl. MwSt. (zzgl. Versandkosten)
Elementary to pre-intermediate level, A1-A2
Elementary to pre-intermediate level, A1-A2
Verlag: ELI Publishing | Thema: Wortschatz, Grammatik | Niveau: A1, A2 | Sprache: English | Status: Neu | Altersstufe: Volksschule, Unterstufe, Oberstufe, Lehrer, Erwachsene | Kategorie: Sprachspiel | Format: Spiel
Let's play in English
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- (No title) (978-88-536-2812-1)
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Größe | 216 mm |