The Happy Prince. The Selfish Giant
with free Audiobook
(Stage 1 - KET and Trinity: Level A1)

Why is the Happy Prince sad? How can a little swallow help him? Find out how kindness and true friendship can change the lives of the people in the Prince’s city.

8.90inkl. MwSt. (zzgl. Versandkosten)

Stage 1 - KET and Trinity: Level A1

Verlag: Black Cat | Thema: Märchen, Fantasy | Niveau: A1 | Sprache: English | Altersstufe: Volksschule, Unterstufe | Format: Taschenbuch | Kategorie: Lektüre

Why is the Happy Prince sad? How can a little swallow help him? Find out how kindness and true friendship can change the lives of the people in the Prince’s city.
Why is it always winter in the Giant’s garden? Why can’t the children play there? Find out what happens when the Selfish Giant becomes generous and invites the children to his garden.
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Stage 1

Stage 2

Gewicht 190 g
Größe 170 mm